Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Sinestro Corps’ Industry Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces of Fear

Welcome back to Funding the Kryptonite, a blog that will take a look at comic book super villains and discuss them from a business perspective.

We go back to the Sinestro Corps and my overview of their organization. Previous posts about the Corps dealt with their recruitment/training and their succession planning. Today’s post is going to take a broad view of the Corps and the industry they operate in, using an analytical framework known as Porter’s 5 Forces.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Doing in the Doctor: Using the VRIN Framework

Welcome back to Funding The Kryptonite, a blog that will take a look at comic book super villains and discuss them from a business perspective.

Today’s blog post will discuss an important business framework called VRIN, which is used by companies to evaluate the strength of their competitive advantages in the marketplace and determine what sort of edge it gives them against their competitors. In this particular example, I am going to draw on a one-off Doctor Strange villain named Nico West and the pharmaceutical company he worked for and how their decision to go up against Strange was founded from a use of this framework.